陳慧恬《HELP!》Orange [HELP!]

4.2 ( 1332 ratings )
Musica Intrattenimento
Sviluppatore Musimax Ltd.
5.99 USD

Orange 陳慧恬2014為城市歌唱;那個我們用愛、青春還有夢想撫養著的,這座城市。如果生活需要一種風格,那就是這樣了,去相信自己所相信的。專輯共收錄了7首歌曲,除了實體CD外,你可透過此APP專輯享受專輯裡320kbps超高音質的MP3。
當然,此APP 專輯除了可以供下載者隨身聽外,還可以給歌手親筆簽名喔!

2)慢下來 Vola Vola Vey
3)沒什麼不妥 Youre Not A Loser
4)I Dont Know
5)風格 My Way
6)我要愛 Longing for Love
7)小城 The Miniature City

Orange 陈慧恬2014为城市歌唱;那个我们用爱、青春还有梦想抚养着的,这座城市。如果生活需要一种风格,那就是这样了,去相信自己所相信的。专辑共收录了7首歌曲,除了实体CD外,你可透过此APP专辑享受专辑裡320kbps超高音质的MP3。
当然,此APP 专辑除了可以供下载者随身听外,还可以给歌手亲笔签名喔!

2)慢下来 Vola Vola Vey
3)没什麽不妥 Youre Not A Loser
4)I Dont Know
5)风格 My Way
6)我要爱 Longing for Love
7)小城 The Miniature City

Orange 2014, singing for the city; a city which we bring it up with loves, adolescences and dreams. If theres a way for a lifestyle, it will then be the case, to believe what you believe. This album contained 7 songs, besides physical CD, you can now enjoy those songs through this APP Album with 320kbs high quality MP3.
You can now listen to the MP3 whenever you like and also let the artiste to sign on it with this APP Album!

Song list:
1) HELP!
2) Vola Vola Vey
3) Youre Not A Loser
4) I Dont Know
5) My Way
6) Longing for Love
7) The Miniature City